All posts by victoriapavlov

Digital Artist and Photographer

Create Black and White image in 3 steps

Photoshop Tutorial

Today I will show you how to create black & white image in 3 steps using Adjustments Layers in Adobe Photoshop CC

Open your image you want to work with
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1: Adjustments > Black and White
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Using the black slider of each to the right/left you will  modify influence of the colors  in the resulting of black & white image.

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2: Highlight t your image layer ( Layer 1 )  > Adjustments > Selective Color
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Change number of the black slider of each color ( move the slider to the left or right)

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3: Adjustments > Color Lookup >2Strip.look from the 3DLUT File ( selected by default )

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5 reasons to use Adobe Stock

Painted with Adobe Photoshop CC and Wacom

I was looking for stock images for a many years and I was not impressed with what I could see on a market  until I was introduced to Adobe Stock.

I am professional photographer, digital artist, and educator. I am working and teaching  Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Muse, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Lightroom, and all Adobe mobile applications and I found that Adobe Stock is the BEST source for my design, photography, painting, education workflow. Why?

Reason 1:
I’ve heard many people say: ” I am a professional photographer, designer and I am not using any stock images”. Hmmmm so if you need any professional  image, background, graphic image to build your clients “travel with us” website you will go around the world to take pictures of the places were your client offers services? And keep in mind that as usual our clients don’t know what image(s) they will use and they are depending on us to show them at least a few examples that they can choose from. So if you multiply all the costs of traveling around the world, and the time just to take pictures, your price for client’s website will rise up significantly and I am not talking about the extra time that you need to build the website. My question is: will your client wait at least 7 extra months and pay 99% more than he/ she should pay just to let you use your own images? The answer is NO and NEVER.
So reason #1: use Adobe Stock images to make your workflow more productive along with building great communication between you and your client.

Reason 2:
When you working on your client project and you’re not sure which image you or your client  will use with your design, simply download a “preview” version of the image(s) your want to use, finish your design, project, show it to your client and if your client approves your design simply click on Adobe Stock image > License image and you will visually see  that your Preview image will be replaced with high resolution, ready to use royalty free image. You don’t need to do any EXTRA steps that will increase your workflow time and your client will receive the final copy of the approved project in no time!
So reason 2: Fast and stress free workflow

Reason 3:
Adobe Stock is a worldwide library (40 million +) of the best photographers, digital artists, designers.  All images are with HIGH quality ready to use right away.

Reason 4:
The price
You have many optiosn to subscribe to Adobe Stock
1: As a Creative Cloud member you are saving 40% of the monthly plan!!!!!!
10 images a month
US $29.99 / mo
Annual plan, paid monthly

  • Add to a Creative Cloud subscription
  • Additional images at US$2.99
  • Rollover up to 120 images

2: 10 Images a month
US $49.99/mo
Monthly plan

  • Additional images at US$4.99
  • Rollover up to 120 images

3: 750 images a month

US $199.99/mo
Annual plan, paid monthly
  • Additional images at US$0.99

4: Single images are just US $9.99 without a subscription

Reason 5:
If you are a photographer, digital artist, 3D artist, graphic designer you can make money selling your work. You can sell your images, even the ones taken with your smart phone!! You can make money from your work just from your home using your computer!





ParticleShop Plugin for Adobe Photoshop


ParticleShop is a brush plugin for Adobe Photoshop.

I was introduced to ParticleShop the brush plugin for Adobe Photoshop at Photoshop World 2015. I liked the demo and I decided to buy and try this plugin ( You can download the trial version to try first).

First of  all I want to point  out that if you are looking for a great painting plugin this in NOT your plugin. I can’t imagine using this plugin for my type of painting. My primary and one and only application for my all digital painting work is Adobe Photoshop CC and most of the time I am using the Mixer Brush Tool. Also I am using Adobe Sketch ( Adobe mobile drawing application) as well. So if you will ask me what is the best application for a digital painting I will answer: The ONE and ONLY Adobe Photoshop CC.

I am not using any third party plugins.   As an  Adobe Creative Cloud subscriber the main and primary reason for  me to use ParticleShop plugin is that this plugin is works with the newest version of Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 and the one one license you purchase will be installed for Adobe Photoshop CC  and Adobe Lightroom as well.

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The ParticleShop plugin is a great plugin for any type of artistic retouching. It’s amazing with hair and high fashion retouching, and if you like to apply any effects to your image you’ll probably like it. Because ParticleShop is the brush plugin for Adobe Photoshop you have access to all powerful Adobe Photoshop futures, including layers and if combine the plugin with other Photoshop features you will create a very powerful image. With the ParticleShop plugin you have control over your image, you can control the brush strokes:  light, color, and angle. You can apply multiple brush(es) effects in one image. Combine, change the  color,  and opacity of the brush. You can apply brush strokes effects and return to Photoshop and apply the layer mask, duplicate the layer and continue your workflow using Adobe Photoshop. If after that you want to  return to ParticleShop you can do it at any time.

I like the plugin and will use it for sure with my design and art workflow.
I have only two complaints about the Starter Pack Options:

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1: I wish I had at least two different types of each default brushes.
You can buy additional brush packs for $29.99 each but I am not sure I will spend $29.99 for each brush pack (each plugin has 11 brushes and  so it would be 11 packs) just after I spent $49.99 for the plugin. If I would have at least two different combinations  of each brush as a Starter Pack Options I would feel much better.
2: I had trouble making some of my brushes big enough for my image ( 6016 x 4016 ) even after I made  the Brush size by Maximum = 750 ( Starter Pack Options)
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Image Manipulation with Adobe Photoshop CC

In this tutorial I will show how to create romantic and elegant image using Dollar Photo Club  images

1: Open your first image and this image will be our background image
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2: Open your Dragon image.
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3: Unlock the Dragon’s  background layer ( click on a lock icon )

4: Remove the white background ( you can use any method you are comfortable with ). I used the Magic Eraser Tool
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5: Select > All > Edit > Copy
Return to your background image > Edit > Paste
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6: Highlight the background layer > Click on the lock icon to unlock the layer  > Edit > Free Transform > Resize your background layer
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7: Adjustments > Exposure
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8: Highlight the Dragon Layer > Edit > Free Transform > Resize and change position of your Dragon
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9: Adjustments > Exposure > Click on Clip to Layer to affect only the layers below  ( your Dragon Layer)
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10: Click on your Dragon Layer > Dodge Tool > Highlight some parts of the Dragon’s skin
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11: Add empty layer bellow the Dragon’s Layer
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12: Using the brush tool with black color paint the area under the Dragon to apply shadow
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13: Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur > Set the Layer Opacity = 91%

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14: Highlight the Dragon Layer > Right Click  > Convert to  Smart Object > Merge Down >  Add  Layer Mask > Erase some parts of your Dragon to apply more realistic effect

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15: Layer > Merge Visible
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16: Adjustments > Exposure
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17: Adjustments > Color Lookup  > FallColors.Look

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18: Create a new Layer > Rectangle  Tool with the White color on it

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19: Edit > Transform Path > Distort
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20: Set a Layer opacity = 37%
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21: Add layer mask > Using Gradient Tool erase ages of your shape
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22: Duplicate Restangle 1 Layer

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23: Edit > Free Transform

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24: Merge Visible Layers  > Duplicate your layer > Filter > Render > Lens Flare

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25: Set the top layer opacity = 75%  > Add layer mask > Using Gradient Tool erase the lens flare effect from the ages of your layer
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26: Adjustments > Curves

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27: Your images is ready
The Dragon






My favorite HDR app for mobile photography

My favorite HDR app for mobile photography is TrueHDR by Pictional LLC. I have been using this app more than year, and have no complains about any of its functionality.

TrueHDR app has few capture modes:

  • Auto Capture
  • Semi / Auto Capture
  • Manual Capture
  • Choose Picture


My favorite mode to use is Manual Capture. Using this mode I can manually select  Bright  and  Dark areas to merge them into HDR image. I can select between Natural ( most realistic look)  and Enhanced ( vivid colors )  modes.


Using custom slider I can control

  • Warmth
  • Contrast
  • Saturation
  • Brightness


From the effect presets  I can choose any effect I want to reapply to my image ( from Sepia to Vignette)


Using many convenient sharing options you can share or print your image directly from your app.


Price: $1.99 and available fro iPhone and iPad!

IMG_8181  IMG_7612



For iPhone:

For iPad:


How to share your Creative Cloud Folder

How to  share your Creative Cloud Folder

For me it is most important to have control over sharing my assets. I am a digital artist and my primary applications are Adobe Creative Cloud Apps. No surprise that I prefer to store and share my current files I am working with using Creative Cloud. I am very happy with all options to have control over my shared assets and permissions.

1: Click > View on Web

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Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 10.08.11 AM copy

2: Click on a folder you want to share

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3: Share >  Send Link

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3: Creative Cloud created your public link you can share with anyone you want to.

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4: Type the email address of the person you want to share your link with

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5: Click on Advanced Options

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All options are enabled by default but you can choose to disable   the options.

Allow Downloads > allows to download file
Allow Comments > allows to add comments
Allow to use of Extract  > allows to extract image info and assets (available only when sharing a Photoshop (.psd) file )

P.S. To make you folder private again simply click on Remove Public Link

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Drawing effect with Adobe Photoshop

How to convert your photo into a drawing  using  Adobe Photoshop CC.

Open your image you want to work with



1: Image > Adjustments > HDR Toning

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2: Filter > Camera Raw Filter

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! Move Dehaze slider to the left. Moving Dehaze slider to  the left or to the  right you will control how light or dark your pencil stoke is




3: Window > Adjustments > Exposure

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Drawing Effect Tutorial






The Best app for relaxation


Relax Melodies by  Ipnos Soft  is the best FREE app for your sleep , yoga .meditation or just relaxation time. It’s available for your iPad, Phone, or Computer. I have been using this app at least 3 years and could not be happier.
For free the app gives you 50 high quality sounds:

  • River
  • Ocean
  • Winds
  • Birds
  • Piano
  • Night
  • Zen
  • Slow Waves
  • Rainy Day
  • Underwater
  • Cat Purring

…and many more!

I can mix up to 10 sounds together ( and I can control the volume of each sound individually! ), save, name and sort them for feature easy setup.  During the night time I prefer to use app’s timer. In addition to all the great features above I have a  clock with many beautiful screen designs along with an alarm system.


And the best feature of the app is background support so you can use ANY of your other apps on your device while this plays!

My personal preference to easily fall asleep is the Rainy Day sound.
For yoga and meditation I prefer the Waterfall sound.
I LOVE mixing Ocean and Rainy Day sound together during my retouching or painting work.

If you want more than the 50 included sounds along with other extra options  you can consider Relax Melodies Premium HD.
iPad price is $2.99
iPhone price is $0.99
For Mac price is $4.99